Custom oligonucleotides and Probes (Eurogentec)

DBA Italia offers custom oligonucleotide and probe synthesis through our partner company Eurogentec. 

Custom oligos

Eurogentec proposes a large choice of chemistries, modifications, specifications and 
purifications. More than 300 modifications and several purity levels are available.

Length: From 5 to 139 bases

Synthesis scale: 10 nmol • 40 nmol • 200 nmol • 1000nmol • 2.5 µmol • 5µmol • 10 µmol

Backbones: Eurogentec synthesises classic DNA and RNA based oligos but other backbones like LNA®, 2’O-Me, 2’O-MOE and PNA can be used to match your specifications.

  • DNA
  • RNA 
  • LNA® (Locked Nucleic Acid) is a bicyclic nucleic acid with a structure locked into a rigid C3'-endo position, which favours RNA A-type helix  duplex geometry. This exceptional structure confers a very strong thermal stability towards complementary DNA and RNA template suitable for  hybridisation assays requiring high specificity and/or reproducibility
  •  2’O-Me RNAare partially resistant to a variety of ribo- and deoxyribonucleases. They form more stable hybrids with complementary RNA strands 
    than equivalent DNA/RNA sequences. They are ideal for antisense probes.
  • 2’O-MOE RNA: have an analogue chemical structure to RNA excepted that a methoxy-ethyl residue 
    is attached at the 2’-O-position. The chemical group at this position confers to the oligo backbone a highest nuclease resistance and a better binding  affinity compared to the classical RNA molecule making it a useful tool for antisens applications.
  • PNA :  is an artificial DNA/RNA analogue with no charged backbone. The absence of charge repulsion between PNA and the DNA/RNA complementary  strand confers a higher specificity and sensitivity. PNA are also known to be resistant to the enzyme degradation and stable over a wide range of pH,  temperature and salt concentrations. These properties enable PNA to be particularly useful for FISH studies and miRNA inhibition.
  • Linkages: Phosphorotioate and Methylphosphonate links

Modifications: More than 300 modifications

Purifications: SePOP desalting, RP-Cartridge•Gold™, HPLC, in vivo, PAGE, Dual HPLC Quality


Format: Dried (except for unmodified SePOP desalted oligonucleotides from 15 to 39 DNA bases: 100 µM H2 O by default)

Packaging: 2 mL tube, 96-well or 384-well plates

Documentation: Technical data sheet

Shipping: At room temperature

NGS oligos

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a high-throughput technology allowing the massive sequencing of nucleic acids following a DNA library preparation. After DNA fragmentation, adapters (including indexes for multiplexing) are fused to the fragments. NGS adapters require both a high level of purity (no n-x side products) and the absence of cross-contamination (confusing index sequences).

Eurogentec can support your sequencing projects by offering dedicated NGS grade oligonucleotides. Specially produced in order to avoid cross contamination they reduce barcode misalignment during multiplex next generation sequencing projects. 


RNAi oligos

RNA interference is a mechanism of gene silencing at the mRNA level. This phenomenon is triggered by small interfering (si)RNAs and micro (mi)RNAs. siRNAs and miRNAs regulate gene expression. They can activate the degradation of the targeted mRNA or prevent its translation.

Eurogentec provides custom synthesis of siRNA oligonucleotides at small and large scales and can assist you for the design of your sequences for free.


Length: From 21 to 27 bases


Delivered quantity: 3 nmol 7 nmol 12 nmol 22 nmol 40 nmol 60 nmol 80 nmol 200 nmol


Backbone: RNA, LNAR, 2O-Me RNA, 2'O-MOE RNA and all linkages (see the backbone paragraph in the "Custom Oligos" section)


Modifications: 5:Phosphate, 6-FAM, CyR3, Cy5R, TET, HEX,...

3: DABCYL, TEG-Cholesteryl, TAMRA...


Purifications: SePOP Desalting, IEX-RP/HPLC or in vivo


Quality Control: MALDI-TOF MS


Format: Dried


Packaging: 2 mL tube


Documentation: Technical data sheet


siRNA Design: Free and guaranteed


Shipping: At room temperature


qPCR Probes

Eurogentec offers a wide range of fluorophores and quenchers in various combinations to fit any method and Real-Time thermocycler. 


Dye-Quencher compatibility table


Length: From 15 to 50 bases


Synthesis scale: 10 nmol 40 nmol 200 nmol 1000 nmol 2.5 μmol 5 μmol 10 μmol


Backbone: DNA, LNAR, 2O-Me RNA and phosphodiester linkage (see the backbone paragraph in the "Custom Oligos" section)


Modifications: 5: 6-FAM, HEX, CyR3, TET , Cy5R



Purifications: RP-HPLC or Dual HPLC


Quality Control:MALDI-TOF MS and analytical HPLC


Format: Dried or in solution


Packaging: 2 mL tube


Documentation: Technical data sheet


Probe Design: Available on request

Shipping: At room temperature

Double-dye probes: EUROGENTEC OFFERS a large range of fluorescent dyes and quenchers including proprietary efficient molecules: iLyte Fluor dyes and QXL quenchers.

Molecular beacons: EUROGENTEC IS a licensed supplier of Molecular Beacons and offers standard,  wavelength-shifting and 2' O-Me RNA molecular beacon.

MGB probes: MGB probes perfectly suited for patient management. MGB increases the Tm of a probe because of its minor groove binding ability. MGB probes are more specific, more efficient and more sensitive than standard double-dye probes. EUROGENTEC provides a complete offer with more than 15 dyes covering all qPCR channels.



If interested in one of these products request an official quote.


Additional materials:

Synthesis scale vs guaranteed yield: The synthesis scale refers to the amount of raw material used to start the synthesis of oligonucleotides. The yield corresponds to the amount of final product recovered at the end of the synthesis and purification processes. The length, the sequence, the type/number of modifications and the purification, strongly influence the reaction yield.

Oligo reconstitution, stability, storage



Alcuni dei nostri brand

3Helix, Inc. AAT Bioquest, Inc. Abbexa Ltd Abbkine Abcepta Abebio Abnova Acris ACRO BIOSYSTEMS ADDEXBIO Agrisera Aldevron AMSBIO LTD Anaspec Anatrace Antibodies Incorporated Applichem Panreac ARIGO BIOLABORATORIES Assay Genie AthenaES AURION Aviva Systems Biology Bachem BD CBP Becton Dickinson BIMAKE Bio X Cell BIOCHAIN Bioclone Inc BioIVT (SeraLab) Biomedal BioMosaics Biopanda Reagents Biorbyt Ltd BIOSB Biosera BioServ Uk BIOTECON Diagnostics Biotem BIOTIUM BPS Bioscience Calbiotech Calibre scientific Cape Biologix Technologies CELL BIOLABS INC. Cell Culture Technologies Celprogen Chemicon-Upstate (Millipore) Chondrex Chromotek Cisbio Bioassays Clearsynth CLOUD-CLONE CORPORATION Cosmo Bio Covalab CREATIVE BIOARRAY Creative Biogene Creative Biolabs Creative Biomart Creative Biostructure CREATIVE DIAGNOSTICS Creative Enzymes Creative Proteomics CUSABIO Cyanagen Cygnus Technology Demeditec DENDRITICS Detroit R&D, Inc. Dynamiker Biotechnology EdgeBio Epitomics Eurofins DiscoverX EUROGENTEC EXBIO Fitzgerald Industries International FOCUS BIOMOLECULES FUJIFILM Wako Chemicals Europe GmbH Gene Link GenHunter Genlantis GenomeMe Genscript GENWAYBIO Glentham Life Sciences Ltd Glycoselect HANSABIOMED Healthcare Biotech HumanKine IBL-TECAN Immunostar ImmuSmol Inbio INNOVEX BIOSCIENCES Isohelix iXCells Kalon KAMIYA BIOMEDICAL KINGFISHER BIOTECH INC KRISHGEN BioSystems LABISKOMA Lifeasible Lifescience Market-Nova Lifetech List Biologicals Laboratories, Inc Matexcel MCE Medchem Express Merck Mercodia MICROSYNTH Mole Bioscience Molecular Dimension MONOSAN® MPbio MS Validated Antibodies Multitarget MyBioSource Myriad RBM NANOCS INC Nanotools Nature Standard Neuromics New England Peptide Nordic BioSite OriGene Oxford Expression Technologies PAN-BIOTECH GMBH PanPath Peninsula Laboratories International, Inc. Peprotech Phytotech Labs Progen ProImmune PROLYTIX ProSci Protein Ark PROTEINTECH PTM Biolabs Qiagen Qkine Ltd. RevMab Biosciences Salimetrics Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. SELENOZYME SELLECK CHEMICALS Sigma Merck SignalChem SignalChem Diagnostics Signalway Antibody Sino Biologicals Solaris Chem ST JOHN'S LABORATORY LTD Streambio StressMarq Biosciences Inc. SYNABS Synaptic Systems TdB Labs The Native Antigen Company TissueArray TNC BIO TOKU-E TRC-CANADA US Biological Vector Biolabs Vector Labs VectorBuilder GmbH Viagen Biotech VITROBIOPHARMA vivitide VMRD WANTAI Worthington XPRESSBIO ZellBio GmbH ZETA CORPORATION