Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a microscopy technique used to identify specific proteins/molecules in biological tissue samples exploiting the specific binding between antibodies and antigens.
IHC is widely used in basic research and for diagnosis.
DBA Italia is offering a complete solution for anatomical pathology laboratories and other labs performing Immunohistochemistry (IHC) at each stage of workflow.
1. Slide Preparation
H-4000 ImmEdge Hydrophobic Barrier PAP Pen: stable with buffers and detergents, compatible with all detection systems, environmentally friendly!
SP-1800-7 VECTABOND® Reagent, Tissue Section Adhesion: significantly increase the adherence of both frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections!
2. Antigen Retrieval
Antigen Retrieval Solutions:
- Citrate-Based Solution, PH 6.0 (H-3300-250)
- Tris-Based Solution, PH 9.0 (H-3301-250)
Lymph Node: Without (left panel) and with (right panel) TRIS-based Antigen Unmasking Solution, Cyclin D1 (rm), ImmPRESS® Anti-Rabbit IgG Kit, DAB (brown) substrate. Hematoxylin QS (blue) counterstain.
NEW VectaPlex™ Antibody Removal Kit (VRK-1000)
Cost Effective Heat Induced Epitope Retrieval (HIER) System!
Allows users to perform heat induced epitope retrieval (HIER) without the use of a less-reliable microwave oven or water bath.
This TintoRetriever Pressure Cooker is a Low Reagent Use and can Hold up to 96 Slides Per Run. It is offered as a bundle cat#BSB 7015 with: TintoRetriever Digital Pressure Cooker with Thermometer (1); Plastic Staining Dishes (4); Slide Holders (4); Staining Dish Support (1).
3. Quench/Block
Blocking solutions can prevent background interference from different sources: autofluorescence, endogenous enzyme activity, Fc receptors, interactions of detection reagents with tissue/cell, proteins and other macromolecules (Choices related to Steps 1-4).
Autofluorescence Quenchers: SP-8500-15, SP-8400-15
Mouse IgG Blocking Reagent: MKB-2213-1
Enzyme Blocking Reagents: SP-5000-18, SP-6000-100
Protein Blocking Solutions: SP-5050-500, SP-5020-250, SP-5030-250, SP-5035-100
Endogenous Biotin Blocking Kits: SP2001, SP-2002
4. Primary/Secondary Antibodies
DBA Italia is offering an extensive and updated portfolio of antibodies for IHC in all research areas: Cancer (Breast, Colon, Myeloma, Lymphoma…), Infectious Disease, Immunotherapy, Neural & Neuroendocrine…
And many other brands: Abbkine, Abcepta, Abnova, Antibodies Inc., Biomosaics, Cloud-Clone, Exbio, Fitzgerald-Biosynth, GenomeMe, Immunostar, Neuromics, ProSci, StressMarq, VectorLabs, Zeta-Corporation...
Some examples:
Also available from Proteintech IHCeasy Kits :
- Contains target-specific pre-optimized primary antibody
- Saves times and precious samples
- Perfect for IHC beginners
What's included in the kit?
- Primary antibody
- New:Optional control slide
- Antigen retrieval buffer
- Blocking buffer
- Washing buffer
- Secondary antibody
- Chromogen
- Counter stain
- Signal enhancer
- Mounting media
5. Tertiary Reagents
They increase the sensitivity of detection to visualize weakly or transiently expressed, upregulated, or unknown (e.g., gene knock-in studies) antigens.
High-sensitivity avidin-biotin kits with horseradish peroxidase-based detection
- VECTASTAIN ELITE® ABC Kits — our most sensitive formulations, these kits offer a smaller and more uniform avidin-biotin complex for greater accessibility to biotinylated targets within tissue samples and are available in concentrated formats or as prediluted, ready-to-use (R.T.U.) formulations
- VECTASTAIN Original ABC Kits — our original and most economical formulation, these kits offers good sensitivity with low background
- VECTASTAIN Universal Quick Kits — our most rapid protocol, these kits offer a proprietary peroxidase-streptavidin pre-formed complex for outstanding sensitivity with short incubation times. These kits can be used to quickly detect primary antibodies made in mouse, rabbit, or goat, and are available in concentrated formats or in prediluted, ready-to-use (R.T.U.) formulations
6. Substrate/Chromogen
Choose an enzyme substrate that matches your color preference and that is compatible with other system reagents to visualize target protein and localization.
Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) Substrates
7. Counterstain
Vector® Hematoxylin (H-3401-500)— based on Gill’s formulation, mercury- and alcohol-free, can be adjusted for optimal intensity; suitable with non-aqueous and aqueous mounting media
Vector® Hematoxylin QS (H-3404-100)— based on a modification of Mayer’s hematoxylin and was developed specifically for immunocytochemistry (ICC). Mercury-free, it stains within 45 sec, suitable with non-aqueous and aqueous mounting media
Vector® Methyl Green (H-3402-500)— simple, two-step procedure, excellent alternative in multiple antigen labeling when hematoxylin obscure substrate color. Suitable with non-aqueous mounting media
Vector® Nuclear Fast Red (H-3403-500) — fast, one-step protocol and is an excellent alternative in multiple antigen labeling when hematoxylin obscure substrate color
Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain Kit (H-3502)— includes a modified Eosin for cytoplasm staining and Hematoxylin for crisp, intense blue nuclei
8. Coverslip/Mount
VectaMount AQ Aqueous Mounting (H-5501-60)— Hard-setting, preserves the color and clarity of enzyme substrates whose reaction products are soluble in organic solvents. Stained and mounted sections can be stored in a slide box at RT for at least 2 years without fading.
NEW!! VectaMount Express Mounting Medium (H-5700-60)— Non-aqueous clearing and mounting medium: No washing, rapid drying, preserve staining for 18 months! Compatible with HRP and AP enzyme substrate.
9. Visualization
10. Extra:Biospecimen
DBA Italia is offering biospecimen suitable as control slides and many other applications such as antibody characterization, biomarker screening, gene and protein expression analysis and so on…Custom and service available too.
FFPE Tissue: formalin-fixed paraffin embedded normal, diseased, tumor human and animal samples available in arrays, blocks, panels, and sections
Frozen Tissue: frozen normal, diseased, tumor human and animal samples available in arrays, blocks, panels, and sections
Reference Tissue: Characterized samples with hotspot mutations, HPV+ and MSI in our reference tissues
Matched-Pair Samples:Matched pair samples from either the tumor/adjacent normal tissue or primary/metastatic tumor
Over 1530 Pre-made Tissue Arrays, Singular/Paired/Combined, Human/Rhesus/ Cynomolgus/Mouse/Rat, Cancerous/Marginal/ Normal, Primary and Metastatic.